The Maverick Mediator
Outstanding Results
A public sector organisation.
Three years previously, a group of six members of the Senior Leadership Team were friends.
Three applied for the position of Chief Executive, one was chosen.
Unfortunately, their personal relationships deteriorated, to the extent that the other five members of the team had invoked the grievance procedure three times, concerning the alleged bullying style of the CEO.
On the third occasion, three of the team had also been certified sick with stress by their own doctor (s).
The mediation process was successful.
"I facilitated the creation of a Written Agreement, that created a structure to enable effective communication and interaction between the parties."
Conflicted Teams
When describing the impact of my mediation, I say that
‘I deliver Tranquillity out of Trauma ‘.
These are powerful words but reflect the reality..
A private company, consisting of a group of Care Homes.
Over the course of 2/3 years personal and professional relationships between five senior members of staff had broken down; other colleagues had resigned from the organisation.
There had been patterns of sick leave amongst the group.
External partner agencies had fed back to the Chief Executive Officer of the Care Home organisation, that the behaviours were impacting upon effective partnership working.
Using my unique process, combined with my ACAS mediation skills,the mediation was successful. I facilitated the creation of a Written Agreement
In accordance with ACAS good practice, we incorporated contingency arrangements in the event of a recurrence of the behaviours, plus a formal Review of the mediation process some 3 months afterwards.
Feedback from the participants, and the CEO was extremely positive.
Effective teamworking had been re –established.
Structured Debriefing
A CEO of a company of 30 persons planned a strategic direction for the business.
The initial plan was solely the work of the CEO.
The CEO was terrified of delegation, being
fearful that it would undermine their authority.
The CEO was convinced that there would be
significant resistance from the staff.
I explained the benefits of Structured Debriefing (SD) and informed the staff how it worked.
The purpose and intention of the SD was to explore options, including challenges, for strategic change that would strengthen the business.
The result was that the Plan that emerged was well formed. The CEO admitted privately that it was a much better plan than their solo effort.
The suggestions of the staff were made with a
positive intent to help the business develop.
Actions for implementation of the suggestions arising from the SD were delegated to members of staff with the most relevant expertise, rather than their role in the organisation.
As a result the CEO and Board realised that they did not possess the range of relevant knowledge as the staff. This meant they had to begin to practice authentic delegation and as a result,
the CEO, Board and the staff became a cohesive team.