The Maverick Mediator

Conflicted Teams
Workplace conflict is inevitable!
The consequences of conflict are dependant on your decision-making.
I will work with you to mitigate the impact on you and your organisation by enabling you to be authentic, understanding that the role is not the person and demonstrating the benefits of Performance Leadership (not Management) for you and your team​.
Potential Scenarios
There are many reasons why workplace conflict arises - consider this scenario - does is sound familiar?
A group of friends are seeking the same promoted position.
One of the friends is awarded the promotion.
The friends who were unsuccessful are disappointed and vent their displeasure towards the successful person.
The friends uncouple their private lives from the person awarded the promotion.
The person promoted feels they need to establish their authority over their former friends and thus enhance their credibility with others.
The business relationship between the successful person and their former friends becomes increasingly cold and formal.
The culture at work becomes toxic, impacting upon business efficiency.
The former friends raise a series of grievances alleging bullying against the promoted person. None are upheld.
People within the group of friends go sick, citing ‘stress’ as the reason.
HR and the promoted person consider gross misconduct proceedings against the people who are absent through stress.
Since all the persons are members of the SLT, the impact on the wider organisation can be imagined.
This is where I can help
I help an organisation that is ‘stuck’ in toxicity using this tried and tested process:
Initial request for assistance from the client organisation.
Clarification of the number of persons concerned in the conflict.
Preparation of the neutral venue
Email contact with all the participants. I request confirmation of their voluntary participation and best availability.
Signpost the mediation process to all participants and confirm venue and timings per participant per stage.
Pre- Mediation Meeting (Icebreaker).
Individual Meeting.
Joint Meeting. Confirm contingency plan and date of Review Meeting.
Review Meeting
Feedback to client organisation of strategic issues that impact on wider organisation.
Training for managers on resolving conflict effectively and appropriately.